Holy Roman Empire

The Holy Roman Empire have the Power of Ambition.
In some six centuries or so from now, a certain French man of letters would describe the status quo of Germany today as "neither holy nor Roman, nor an Empire". And he could well be proven correct. For despite such a great and lofty title, the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation is very much a land divided - often bitterly so, with rivalries between this or that noble and the lands he rules, while the Kaiser (or emperor) must also compete for power and influence over matters of state with the Pope, head of the one and only thing keeping Germany together - a common Christian faith, albeit one whose valence and intensity have been compromised by many a corruption scandal and dissension, even within holy Rome itself, ever since the Empire was established only less than three centuries ago. And even then, the Kaiser himself and his line themselves do not have absolute control over the empire, unlike the Caliph of the Saracen infidels or the Autocrat of the Byzantine Greeks - rather he must be elected by the nobles of the land (a process that the Church can influence, no less given that the members of the Church are sometimes also descended from local nobility) and often must bear by himself the costs of ruling all Germany (and any non-German land that submits to the Empire).
Thus it would seem that the Empire is but a recipe for disaster. The current Kaiser, Lothar of Saxony, is advanced in age and has no male heir of his own, sparking a rebellion at home in which an anti-king, Conrad of Hohenstaufen now challenges him for control of Germany after having been anointed king of Italy by the bishop of Milan. At the same time, the Italian states fare no better, with different groups of nobles squabbling for power, with some doing so in the name of the Pope, others for the Kaiser (with the shopkeepers of Venexia, allegedly playing both sides off for profit). The only saving grace thus far for the Empire has been that Germany's neighbours (or rivals) have been too disunited (like the crown of Denmark to the north, or the Poles to the east) or too distracted (like the Hungarians, who busy themselves with the Adriatic and southeastern Europe ... or the French, who have proven to be no more stable nor coherent than the Germans) to think of interfering in Imperial affairs.
Equally important is the fact that the lands of Germany and northern Italy are not poor; rather, they play host to vast tracts of land and forest whose value of late has only been slowly realised by both authorities secular and spiritual. It is this very wealth - particularly in Timber and rudimentary industrialisation with water wheels and windmills - that the Kaiser has had the resources to invest in rallying his followers, and even intervening in both Bohemia and Poland - sometimes militarily, too - and spreading German culture and fashions across Central Europe, particularly into Bohemia where Imperial influence is strongest, despite the restive nature of the Bohemians toward the Kaiser and all Germany. Still, there are reasons to be wary - aside from recalcitrant nobles, a repeat of the bloody 10th century - an era of bloody invasion by Asian nomads - still yet can happen. A new group of Asiatics called Polovtsy by Slavic peoples (and Cumans or kunok by the Hungarians) have started arriving in Wallachia after bypassing the Kievan Rus'. And this may yet be the beginning: rumours abound too throughout all Christendom of vast heathen empires, far to the east of the Saracen lands. If any of these do approach Europe (or even the kingdom of Outremer in the Holy Land) in vast swarms, there may need to be a call for a Crusade - in which case there is plenty of reason for Kaiser Lothair to sharpen his sword and sleep less soundly, even though he be well advanced in age.

Faction overview
- Ostsiedlung : Receive a free Supply Wagon when a new Siege Workshop or Proving Grounds is built
- Organised Logistics : Supply Wagons can heal nearby units
- Military Ambition : Siege units built 25% cheaper and 50% faster
- Romanesque Architecture : Start with Sawmill, and upgrades for free. Woodcutters hold +2 work slots
Strong all-rounder militaristic faction, with bonuses in Timber production, enhanced strategic offensive capabilities thanks to good melee infantry and cavalry, respectable Wonder lineup grants some clout for diplomacy with human players.
Strongest units are costly, and do not appear until the mid-game, weak early game potential due to lack of good cavalry compared to other nations. Very predictable gameplay.
Like most Christian factions, the HRE is dominated chiefly by one thing: feudalism. For unlike Rise of Kings, the HRE's best units are often determined by politics: while the Chivalric Orders are perennially available from the Nobles' Court, other units however are not. As with most other nations, Knights - namely, the Ministeriales - are made available from the Meeting House or Palace as long as Feudalism AND Tier I Reforms were researched, while other units - most notably militia, such as Pavise Crossbowmen or Urban Militia or the Berrovier upgrade can be obtained if more consensual forms of government were achieved.
However, this sort of setup belies its problems. Although clearly blessed with some of the game's best cultural bonuses for forging a war industry and forward building, the Imperial army will always be dependent on some fairly costly units - Muslim and Nomadic elite units are often weaker, but they are cheaper, allowing them to be used more aggressively in battle. In addition, the Empire has no good starting units to count on, other than Feudal Retinue - the precursor to the knightly Ministerialis. Al lot of resources will then have to be expended, early on, just to "tech up" to get to the prereq buildings, and then even more will be required to effectively unlock and recruit them. In contrast early-game units are inferior, with only Levy Crossbowmen available from a Peasants' Hovel being of any use.
A game for the Empire thus is heavily skewed either toward early game infantry raiding using Feudal Retinue, or a boom/turtle game where resources are spent to build a bigger and better army - or even build any or all of the three Wonders the HRE is allowed to create, with little to no compromise between either one of them. This often leaves the HRE, as a "classic RoN civ" being very easy to anticipate especially given the near-lack of good cavalry at the start of any game. Nevertheless, all things told, the HRE is a fairly well-rounded and well-balanced civ that can do well on almost any map with shrewd gameplay on your part.
Unique units and structures gallery
Nobles' Court
Sumptuous and stately yet
foreboding, the Nobles' Court is the ultimate expression of regnal
power, consisting of a vast castellated estate around which the nobility
of the land must rally around. It is not as cheap as a Mansion nor as
easy to come by, but its ability to boost the size of your Territory
around it, and the fact that it is immensely powerful as a point defence
structure means that a Nobles' Court can be more than capable of
defending your borders, whilst training some of the most powerful land
units available in all of this mod.
Leader names
- Duke Henry the Lion
- Otto of Bavaria
- Philip of Swabia
- Frederick Barbarossa
- Frederick Hohenstaufen
Settlement names
- Magdeburg
- Aachen
- Köln
- Rome
- Mailand
- Heidelberg
- Reutte
- Lübeck
- Mainz
- Fellin
- Augsburg
- Leipzig
- Hannover
- Stuttgart
- Bolzen
- Innsbruck
- Landeck
- Trier
- Luttich
- Koblenz
- Taormina
- Caccamo
- Adrano
- Castelvetrano
- Aci Trezza
- Nuremberg
- Bremen
- Waiblingen
- Halle
- Spandau
- Hamburg
- Dresden
- Karlsbad
- Marienbad
- Franzensbad
- Constance
- Kassel
- Marburg
- Bern
- Imst
- Schwaz
- Kufstein
- Kitzbühel
- Lienz
- Monreale
- Palermo
- Catania
- Bronte
- Biancavilla
- Niscemi
- Campania
- Bari
- Brindisi
- Amalfi
- Crotone
- Taranto
- Marsalá
- Eraclea
- Gela
- Modica
- Cefalu
- Enna
- Ragusa
- Trapani
- Agrigento
- Gaeta
- Napoli
- Salerno
- Anzio
- Siracusa
- Benevento
- Messina
- Melfi
- Erice
- Porto Empedocle
Other chapters:
Wolf Among Lions [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
Rise of the Barbarians [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
Imperivm Invictvm [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
Hammurabi: [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
Other mods:
Rise of Kings: Chronicles [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
New World Empires: Swords of the Prophets [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
Warbirth: The Crucible [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
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