Christian civs
Of Christendom, a cleric in the Latin West once lamented, "There is no country on earth so fractious nor so divided or violent as the Republic of Christ", deploring the fragmented and violent existence of Europe as well as the near-incessant state of seemingly fruitless internecine bloodshed which blights European Christendom - and which Saracen sages are quick to point out as proof that the Christian faith is one of blood and darkness, not holy light, and so clearly not the right path for humanity.
One thing is certain though: all this infighting may have had their toll in blood, tears and sweat; yet they have produced one boon for the survivors: Christian Europe with the exception of Byzantium may be no cultural powerhouse, yet she nevertheless is home to some of the world's finest fighting men the world has ever seen - a fact begrudgingly acknowledged by Saracen potentates, both in the Levant and Iberia, where the struggle for supremacy between Christian and Muslim is coming to a head. Being so deeply and sorely in need of defence against their neighbours and national rivals, many Christian communities often either sport doughty picked bodies of men capable of being turned into fearsome fighters, or are dominated themselves by warrior nopbles who, through the German-inspired feudal system that now dominates most of Christendom in a post-Roman Europe, have managed to amass the wealth and the time required to ply their craft as milites, or professional soldiers. Thus only the foolish or desperate will dare to face off any one of these Christian armies toe to toe, be it the valiant Germans or Russians and their armoured knights, or the Bulgars and Hungarians who never truly gave up the nomadic ways of horse and bow of their Asian ancestors.
And it would seem that now the fortunes of Christendom, long overshadowed by Muslim Asia, may well be on the mend: through a concerted effort, a gaggle of knightly warriors in past decades managed to wrest the lands of Palestine from the Saracens, bringing the holy city of Jerusalem back under Christian rule after Rome lost the region to the Muslims almost five hundred years ago. Still, this is but a small step: the rise of Christian nations from sociocultural backwaters to mighty kingdoms has yet to be proven complete, or even achieveable: in Egypt, a charismatic and skilled warrior named Saladdin has recently become vizier to Egypt's ailing Fatimid caliph; under his tutelage, Egypt is ever more than ready to take on the Crusaders in an epic rematch for glory, while Spain must endure the Moorish yoke. And the Muslims aren't the only threats - already, a group of heathen nomads, the Polovtsy, have managed to cross the Pontic Steppes and into Wallachia, where they now wreak havoc by involving themselves in quarrels between Christian princes. And correspondence with the Muslims and the Polovtsy has brought warnings of empires far larger and even more powerful than those of the Muslims .... there is no knowing if any of these Asiatic heathens may one day overrun the lands of Islam and then visit flame and ruin upon Europe, the same way as did the Huns or the Magyars only centuries before....
Faction highlights
The East and Central European factions of Temüjin are geared primarily toward militarism - with some of the strongest knightly cavalry in the mod, and a near-lack of Wonders for most factions. Only the German HRE can be said to have any form of diplomatic clout owing to her access to 3 different Wonders. In addition they are often the most involved in politics at a Meeting House, owing to the number of units very dependent on Policies to be researched, to obtain new units.
Most notably:
- Tier 1 Green: (all except Outremer) Levy Crossbowmen
- Tier 1 Red: Cavaliero (Venexia only), Swordsmen (all)
- Tier 2 Green: (Latins only) Berrovier, Urban Militia, War Cog (with Tier 3 Red, HRE & Poland only)
- Tier 2 Red: (Latins only) Ministerialis (HRE, Poland, Bohemia only)
- Tier 3 Green: Pavise Crossbowmen (HRE, Poland, Bohemia, Venexia only), Armed Supply Wagon (Outremer only)
- Tier 3 Red: (all) Armed Merchant, Armed Merchant
Most Christian factions are dominated in the main by two things - heavy infantry, and elite heavy cavalry from the Nobles' Court, with only Venexia and Byzantium using a Mansion to recruit their own instead. The most common unit shared among all factions save possibly Kievan Rus' and Bulgaria is the knight - be it a Ministerialis (German-influenced nations), a Cavaliero (Venexia) or a Normand Routier (Outremer, Byzantium). Latin heavy cavalry - eg Lay Knights, Ministeriales, etc - have a propensity for crushing Barracks units, thus making them highly effective in taking away an enemy's main infantry force, should the opportunity pose itself - but there's a catch. The Latin chivalric order units trained from a Nobles' Court may be counted amongst the more powerful units of this mod, yet they have a weakness- like Peasant Levy, they cannot be directly commanded nor attacked by human players - forcing Latin factions to endure a layer of micro-management in battles in order to get the best out of these units. On the other hand, their prohibitive cost and their finnicky nature may well compel players using the Latin civs to consider instead using the cheaper but weaker Ministerialis (or its equivalents elsewhere) which have a lower multiplier versus Barracks units, but can be trained in vast numbers for flexibility's sake.
Wonder pool

Grand Cathedral
Built in the main by all nine Christian factions.

Lateran Palace
Shared between HRE, Venexia.

Shared between Polovtsy, Poles, Kievan Rus'.

Zoloti Vorota
Exclusively for Kievan Rus'.

Castel del Monte
Exclusively for HRE.

Tour de David
Exclusively for Outremer.
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Imperivm Invictvm [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
Hammurabi: [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
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New World Empires: Swords of the Prophets [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
Warbirth: The Crucible [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]
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