
The Hoysala have the Power of Trade.

A century ago in the southern reaches of the Deccan Plateau in India, several hill tribes founded a single confederacy that since then has now morphed into a kingdom of considerable size - the Hoysala kingdom. This process, however was not a peaceful one - the tribes who now form the subjects of this kingdom first had to overthrow their powerful Chalukya overlords, then intervene in a war between the Pandya and the Chola to the south.

Hoysala nationhood is defined by one thing, and that is its proximity to the sea and the great bounties of the more fecund south as opposed to the north of India. The weather may be harsh and torrid, yet it too brings great rains which drench the Carnatic foothils which form the Hoysala heartland, making it home to great plethora of resources - of which, spices are the most well-known, with great demand for it in nations in the far north and the farthest reaches of the known world. The Hoysala, along with their Chola partners to the southeast, also do not ascribe to the northerner belief that to sail the waves is to commit sacrilege - it is with Hoysala blessing that Chola fleets ply the seas to the south and east, bringing the riches of the world back to nourish their peoples' lives and the splendour of the courts of Hoysala and Chola princes.

Yet, despite this, the king and his ministers may not sleep well at nights in Halebidu - the north of India continues to be a cockpit, with the Vaishnite Rajput barbarians on one end, and the mighty Muslim Ghurids who have seized Gandhara and the Sindhu Valley for themselves. Even as the Rajput continue to resist Ghurid inroads out of what the Arabs and Persians call Hindustan, it matters not if Vaishnite or Mussulman prevail - for sooner or later, one of them must overcome the other, and then like the ancient king Ashoka from days of yore, cast his eye southward. Riches aplenty do the Hoysalas have, and perhaps they may have use, but steel has proven to be stronger than gold - and the Hoysalas may have need of exchanging that gold for steel quite soon....

Faction overview

  • Trade Routes: Merchants collect 50% bonuses from Rares
  • Eastern Connections: See all Rares in your territory
  • Commercial Aspirations: Starts game with Market, and can trade resources from the start
  • Master Financiers: Always trade resources with +20/-20 price bonus
  • Guild of the Lords Five Hundred: -50% Merchant, Caravan and Market creation cost, they have +50% HP
  • Men In the Middle: +1 limit to number of caravans


Strong economic fundamentals centred around trade and Wealth generation, competititve advantage in early naval development and conflict.


Weak cavalry and infantry, no advanced unit options, especially for siege weapons.

As befitting the mercantile focus of its historical counterpart, the Hoysala civ in Temüjin is a highly mercantile faction, very much like Venexia and Byzantium in faraway Europe invested in using water for fishing and trade, and then controlling access to that water. The abilities of the Hoysala early on are good for jump-starting and then fine-tuning your war economy, allowing you to build up and tech up faster than other factions, and then selecting the upgrades and units you need, providing you with tactical and strategic flexibility in how you want to prosecute your RoN game.

Like most Indian armies, Hoysala's military forces lie on the use of one single theme - light infantry, backed up by or supporting war elephants - which in many cases can be a potential game-winner. The elephants, by virtue of their anti-cavalry abilities, give the light infantry a portable "shield" from behind which those infamous Indian units, Longbow Levy and Longbowmen (and Renegade Longbowmen)  can then go to work, sending death to horse archers and infantry alike. However this is but only one part of the Hoysala story, for there too is another theme to the Hoysala - and that is the sea. Contrary to some who shun the sea for fear of losing their religion and thus their chances of moksha, the Hoysala (thanks to their alliance with the formidable Chola further south) are masters of the waves and in previous years, the Chola even managed to overthrow the piratical Srivijaya, establishing Chola control over Southeast Asia in tandem with their fellow Hindu allies, the Khmers. Hoysala's maritime force at the beginning is dominated by War Junks with support from War Canoes and Fire Vessels - an oddity, considering the strength of War Junks, and the near-dismal weakness of the War Canoe. However, with the upgrade to the Thoni, this creates light attack craft that are slightly more mobile and also easier to obtain (alongside an additional armour bonus). A Hoysala Thoni may be weak, yet in large numbers, Thoni with the right support units can wreak havoc on enemy shipping, destroying fishing fleets and disturbing maritime trade routes at almost no cost since a Thoni is much cheaper than a Dromond or a Barque.

However, this would seem to be where the strengths of the Hoysala end, for once light infantry, elephants and ships are dispensed with, the rest of the Hoysala roster belies the glaring historical weaknesses of a pre-modern Indian army - nearly naked infantry, no siege train and almost no cavalry to speak of. Although the Hoysala, like their northern Vaishnite Rajput counterparts, do get access to a horse archer unit, the Godeswari Shikkar or "Mounted Hunter" it will require a Level 2 Military tech upgrade to obtain. Thus, like Song China, Hoysala needs a map with ample water and chokepoints to be able to endure enemy cav rushes, before you can boom, and then retaliate with war elephants (of these, Hoysala has three like Annam) and infantry.

Unique units and structures gallery

Hoysala unique light attack watercraft, meant for interception, close-up harassing and scouting.

War Junk
Heavy naval unit, shared with Nansong and Annam. More robust and more powerful than Longships and Roundships, and intended to amass naval superiority and suppress shore fortifications, but is vulnerable to Fire Vessel attack.

Elephant Archer
Super-heavy mounted archer unit shared with Annam. Very resistant to melee cavalry, but vulnerable to ranged weapons, especially crossbows, javelins and of course, firearms.

Godesavar Shikkar
Indian indigenous cavalry archer unit shared with Rajputana. On par with Horse Archer but not very useful, owing to its appearance late in the game.

Indian mace infantry, shared with Rajputana. Has a higher attack (especially against units trained from a Mansion, Warrior Hall or Nobles' Court) and slightly more armour and HP but is trained more slowly compared to Militia.

Longbow Levy 
Light ranged militia unit shared with Khmers and Rajputana. Capable of slightly more accurate low-impact missile attacks at a modest range.

The weakest of all advanced unit recruitment structures, the Mansion's main draw is that it has the lowest tech requirements, and can be built in each and every large Settlement that you control.

Peasants' Hovel
Trains levy units for sedentary agrarian nations. Not available for Outremer, Qara Khitai, Khamag Mongol, or Polovtsy.   

AI leader names

  • Veera Narasimha
  • Veera Ballala
  • Narasimha
  • Vishnuvardhana

Settlement names

  • Belur
  • Halebidu
  • Ambattur
  • Tirunelveli
  • Salem
  • Tiruchirappalli
  • Madurai
  • Bangalore
  • Mangalore
  • Kalaburagi
  • Dharwad
  • Hubballi
  • Mysore
  • Tiruppur
  • Dakshina Kannada
  • Coimbatore
  • Chennai
  • Kaveripattinam
  • Thanjavur
  • Vijayapura
  • Bellary
  • Davanagere
  • Belagavi


TEMÜJIN [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]

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