
Dajin have the Power of Defiance.

Formerly a nomadic folk engaged in hunting, gathering and herding to the lands far beyond the northernmost reaches of China, the Jurchen tribes slowly coalesced into a single nation inhabited by livestock breeders and farmers. Since then, they have grown from strength to strength, rising up from humble beginnings to becoming the lords of all of northern Asia. But it has not been through this peaceful form of existence through which the Jurchens obtained their recent newfound self-determination and prestige, but rather it was through immense struggle, humiliation and, of course, that harbinger of freedom: from the very beginning, the Jurchens found themselves hemmed in from all sides - with the Turkic-speaking Liao to the north and west, then the Koreans to the east, and finally the erstwhile Chinese to the south.

Many a decade was spent, either in servitude to the Liao or the Koreans who used the Jurchens as their pawns, or in bloody wars of independence, which finally saw the Jurchens break the power of the Koreans, and then oust the Liao westward - with the survivors having refounded themselves as the Qara Khitai. Still the best was to come. In throwing off their shackles from their former Liao taskmasters, the Jurchen tribes - now refounded as the kingdom of Jin under the leadership of the Wanyan clan - also came into contact with the inept Song rulers of the Chinese, who, in the wake of the flight of the Liao, then harboured pretensions of imposing Chinese influence over Jin herself. Such an outcome was clearly unacceptable, and this led to Jin armies defeating the weak and corrupt Chinese, and overrunning their capital of Kaifeng, leaving the lands of the Central Plains and the Yellow River Basin in Jurchen hands.

Such a victory cannot be underestimated, for the Jurchens in defeating both the hated Liao and the treacherous Chinese, now find themselves overlords of an area eight times larger than what their semi-nomadic, rustic forest-dwelling ancestors once lived in, and far richer by many orders of magnitude - a fact the Jurchens have celebrated by renaming their realm Dajin, "Great Jin", to celebrate this fact. Thus far, nothing seems out of reach for the ruling Wanyan Emperors: the Koreans now pay tribute to Jin, along with many other nations and tribes, most notably a group of equestrian nomadic tribes to the far northwest, known as the Mongols. Whispers spoke of the Mongols having ambitions far greater than what is permitted to them, and the Jurchens recently had one of their number, a troublemaker named Ambhaghai, executed to chastise them. 

So far the Mongols have backed down since Ambhagai's gruesome demise, but for Jin, the challenge of threats from other nations yet still remain. The Chinese still cower away, fearful of meeting Dajin in battle, yes, but never ceased plotting and scheming along with their Tangut allies against the Wanyan khans. The Liao may have been scattered, but they and their khanate of Qara Khitai continue to menace Jin's western borders. Regardless, one thing is clear - the spirits have granted great power and splendour to the Jurchens, and even as these pretenders to Dajin's power yet remain, no mortal man appears destined ever to take these away from the Jurchens for the forseeable future. And it would seem their march to worldly greatness will soon become inexorable fact - for once the Chinese are finally crushed and humbled, the Jurchens will find themselves overlords of China. And since whoever controls the Middle Kingdom must surely be blessed as this world's rightful ruler from high up, it would seem that all the world must soon prostrate itself before the Jurchens and their mighty imperial state of Dajin...

Faction overview

  • Sinicisation: Granary, Sawmill, Foundry available at start and research available sooner at half cost

  • Expansionism: Building completion bonuses +50%

  • Lordship of the Middle Kingdom: Cities gather extra +5 Food, Timber and Metal

  • Experimental Incendiaries: Fire Vessels cost 25% less, built 33% faster


Powerful land army with cavalry being dominant, very strong and versatile economic bonuses.


Best units are very expensive and available only in late game, weak navy.

By many orders of magnitude, Dajin is very much one of the more powerful factions in this mod, if not the most powerful. With a Chinese-styled infantry component, replete with siege artillery and firearms, and a cavalry force that follows the drills of the nomadic peoples of northern Asia, it is thus clear that Dajin is a force to be reckoned with, especially given Dajin's cultural bonuses.

Aside from having a slew of fairly interesting units - most notably those trained from a Warrior Hall, Dajin's being able to boom more quickly through the construction of new buildings gives anyone playing this civ plenty of options. On small maps, with close proximity, Dajin can attempt either a cavalry rush, using Steppe Nomads and Bek Cavalry, or an infantry rush using her Chinese-styled foot army consisting of Spear Sergeants and Conscript Swordsmen. Otherwise, Dajin can simply reinvest the proceeds into booming and creating a more powerful army, spearheaded by what could well possibly be the most powerful cavalry unit in all of Temüjin - the Tiefutu or "iron pagodas" cavalry corps. And although Tiefutu are clearly a late-game unit, they aren't the only elite units that Dajin can muster where so needed. Because Dajin historically was in control of northern China and a vast network of tributaries amongst the nomadic peoples of northern Asia, Dajin can also call upon a vast number of different mercenaries and units, ranging from the Tungusic Chukchi peoples, whose warriors are useful at fending off attacks by light watercraft, all the way to Chinese soldiers girt with firearms. 

Still, Dajin is not entirely invincible. Despite the great economic bonuses of Dajin, her best units are often the costliest and Dajin often on larger maps must be confined toward booming and cavalry rushing - something that is fairly easy to anticipate. And although thanks to her dominance of China Dajin can recruit a respectable siege artillery train consisting of Springalds and Trebuchets, at sea it is another story: Dajin is totally deficient in naval forces, and is solely dependent on War Canoes and Tower Barques - this latter unit may provide Dajin with some added muscle on the waves, but is costly and Dajin's lack of medium shipping leave her with little choice, other than to amass Tower Barques, or Fire Vessels, stripping her of the sort of flexibility in naval recruitment choice and tactics that other nations such as Dai Viet or Nansong enjoy. All told, Dajin is clearly destined to be a land-based power, if not probably the best one, wholly dependent on the use of land units to gain a quick victory by rushing, or by keeping access to resources open long enough to help Dajin win the race toward a Wonder victory.

Unique units and structures gallery

Tiefutu Cavalry
Dajin unique cavalry unit. Perhaps by far the best unit with regards to tactical parameters - movement speed, attack strength and all. But also perhaps the costliest.

Chukchi Hurlers
Weak but fast-moving ranged mercenary unit by both Dajin and Mongol Uls. Takes less damage from small boats (viz Thoni, War Canoes, Dromond, Karve). Useful especially if used to outrun and flank archers

Chukchi Crossbowmen
Mercenary crossbow unit recruited by both Dajin and Mongol Uls. Deals added damage to cavalry, but is highly susceptible to any and all firerams.

Conscript Swordsmen
Fairly common amongst the armies of Hindustan, Dajin and Nansong, Conscript Swordsmen trade movement speed and attack strength for cheaper cost and higher HP vis à vis Militia in other nations' armies.

Agent unit capable of boosting the attack of nearby friendly units, increasing the attack of garrisoned buildings, but can't be directly selected.

Warrior Hall
A waypoint for some more professional mercenaries and irregular fighting men, the Warrior Hall may be costlier than a Mansion or a Noble Residence, but it is capable of defending itself, should raiders come into its host city.  

AI leader names

  • Wanyan Liang
  • Wanyan Jing
  • Wanyan Yong
  • Empress Mingde
  • Wanyan Xun
  • Wanyan Shouxu
  • Prince Shao of Wei

Settlement names

  • Shangjing
  • Miyun
  • Pinggu
  • Huairou
  • Daxing
  • Changping
  • Shunyi
  • Tongzhou
  • Shijingshan
  • Chaoyang
  • Xicheng
  • Dongcheng
  • Hejian
  • Fangshan
  • Dayu
  • Yanqing
  • Binhe
  • Jingshan
  • Jinrong
  • Lugu
  • Mentougou
  • Gongchen
  • Longshan
  • Fengtai
  • Haidian
  • Gulou
  • Xingfeng
  • Shengli
  • Chengbei
  • Beiyuan
  • Fanyan
  • Jiannan
  • Chenliu
  • Tianjin
  • Yingzhou
  • Wei
  • Zhengzhou
  • Youzhou
  • Lanzhou
  • Hezhong
  • Lingwu
  • Liaodong
  • Liangzhou
  • Fengxiang
  • Kaifeng
  • Yanjing
  • Luoning
  • Suohe
  • Xinyang
  • Jingcheng
  • Chengguan
  • Qiaolou
  • Guanwu
  • Gaocun
  • Yiyang
  • Yulong
  • Chengzhou
  • Luoyi
  • Wangcun
  • Luohe
  • Yingcheng
  • Guanzhou
  • Changqing
  • Huancui
  • Wendeng
  • Yiyuan
  • Gaoqing
  • Huantai
  • Zhoucun
  • Ni
  • Xintai
  • Ningyang
  • Dayue
  • Linqu
  • Rushan
  • Wudi
  • Yangxin
  • Huimin
  • Boshan
  • Zhangdian
  • Zichuan
  • Rongcheng
  • Taishan
  • Boxing
  • Zouping
  • Zhanhua
  • Changle
  • Zibo
  • Putai
  • Linzi
  • Cao
  • Nanbo
  • Yicheng
  • Tai'erzhuang
  • Shanting
  • Xuecheng
  • Shizhong
  • Xiayi
  • Yucheng
  • Zhecheng
  • Yicheng
  • Bo
  • Ningling
  • Sui
  • Yongcheng
  • Tengzhou
  • Shangqiu
  • Wangcheng
  • Luoyang
  • Zheng
  • Xinzheng
  • Yichuan
  • Song
  • Luanchuan
  • Ruyang
  • Jiayu
  • Jinzhai
  • Beimang
  • Yanshi
  • Mengjin
  • Xin'an
  • Daliang
  • Didao
  • Ji
  • xia
  • Sishui
  • Huxi
  • Weishan
  • Zoucheng
  • Yanzhou
  • Rencheng
  • Feicheng
  • Dongping
  • Shanghe
  • Jiyang
  • Zhangqiu
  • Licheng
  • Laiwu
  • Tianqiao
  • Huaiyin
  • Shizhong
  • Lixia
  • Qufu
  • Liuzhi
  • Chishui
  • Guapo
  • Xinglin
  • Jindui
  • Wancheng
  • Xinmi
  • Dengfeng
  • Xingyang
  • Shangjie
  • Zhongyuan
  • Huiji
  • Jinshui
  • Zhongmu
  • Gongyi
  • Daming
  • Xiamiao
  • Yangzhai
  • Xinzheng
  • Yuanqu
  • Pinglu
  • Jiang
  • Wenxi
  • Jishan
  • Wanrong
  • Linyi
  • Ruicheng
  • Hejin
  • Yongji
  • Yanhu
  • Changyuan
  • Fengqiu
  • Yanjin
  • Yuanyang
  • Huojia
  • Xinxiang
  • Huixian
  • Fengquan
  • Muye
  • Hebi
  • Cuimiao
  • Liuhe
  • Gaoshan
  • Sishui


TEMÜJIN [Steam | XBOX/EE | Gold]

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